Bondi Beach With Kids – Sydney’s Most Family-Friendly Beaches

Ah, beautiful Bondi kids, it’s a terrific place to bring your children too. I remember coming down to Bondi years ago with baby, toddler and some child-free friends.

The friends spread out their towels and sat down.

‘What are they thinking!?’ flashed through my mind.  It had been two years since I had sat down at a beach or pool…. my boys were so wild and dangerous around water, I could never stay still.

bondi beach families kids

Ah well, those days are gone now, all four of the kids are water-safe. What a relief. But fear not, if you’re still at the galloping around stage, at least Bondi has plenty of fun in the sun for the littlies and adults too.

bondi childrens pool
Looking north to the kids pool at Bondi
Kids pool at Bondi
The children’s pool at Bondi’s north end, on a fairly rough day, but it’s still a very safe place for kids to splash.

Bondi Beach

Campbell Parade, Bondi 2026

It’s the Big Daddy of beaches with something to offer the littlest sons and daughters of Sydney.

Bondi is a surf beach, of course, and can be a bit wild for the faint-hearted, plus there’s the hordes of tourists to contend with.  Just remember to stay between the flags, though, and you will be safe.

And there’ the delightful children’s pool at the northern too, always a safe haven for children.  And close to some nice little cafes!

The kids’ pool has a shallow end for splashing and a huge mosaic mural of aquatic creatures along the wall beside the pool. Waves will sometimes break over this pool. Unfortunately there is no shade. It’s easy to wheel a stroller along the path to the pool.

There are shaded picnic tables and a barbecue across the promenade and the gorgeous Bondi Beach playground.

Cafes: Cafes at the Pavilion and along Campbell Parade.

Toilets: Toilet, shower and change room at Bondi Pavilion on the promenade, plus toilet blocks on the promenade

Shade: None on the beach and very little on the reserve

Playground: Yes, click here.

Ocean pool: There is an adults’ rock pool at the southern end and the children’s pool at the northern end

Shark net: No

Mum’s report: The kids’ pool is great and there are lovely rock pools for them to explore right beside it.

Extra: Sign up your older children and teens for surfing lessons. Find more fun things to do in Bondi with July.

Parking: Two pay car parks are situated in Bondi Park, entrances to both from Campbell Parade

Bus stop nearby: Yes

ocean pool at Bondi Beach
Great Sydney spot for swimming laps.
Bondi beach looking south
Iconic Bondi, often very busy… but always worth a visit
bondi beach childrens pool mosaic details
Love the turtle, from the mosaic at the kids’ pool
Bondi beach mosaic kids pool
A starfish on the mosaic

Which cafes would you recommend?

Any top tips for parking!!??


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  1. I have spent many a lunch break sitting at the northern end of Bondi Beach watching the world go by. It sure is a gorgeous spot and really quite world famous.

    I love all the fab restaurant around there as well

  2. says: Vacation Rentals Costa Rica

    What great place for families. Kids deserve really nice places such this one. Sydney is a great destination , thanks for sharing.

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