Bill Granger’s Chilled Green Soup- In The Thermomix

It’s autumn in Sydney, we’re having gorgeous sunny and warm days but there’s a chilly feel to the mornings and evenings.

So it’s not the right season at all to be posting this chilled soup recipe.

green soup

But let’s not be too predictable in this short life.

And who could resist?

It’s so green, it’s GOT to be good for you.

This recipe was in the paper a few weeks ago and I clipped it straight away.

When I made it, I adapted it a little.  Next time I make it {which could be ANY DAY NOW}, I will use less green pepper, that’s just my taste.

Overall, I really loved this soup. It’s a giant green smoothie in lots of ways. Eat with some cottage cheese and a bit of brown bread, and you’ll be on top of the nutritional world.

Bill Granger’s Chilled Green Soup 

handful of mint
4 Lebanese cucumbers
1 green pepper
100g baby spinach
1 green chilli
4 spring onions
2 garlic cloves
juice of 1 lemon
1 cup Greek yoghurt


Roughly chop the cucumbers and pepper, then put everything into the Thermomix (or your own blender.)

Pour in Β½ cup cold water and blend on speed 6 for one minute.

I added a bit more water and blended a bit more.

Season with salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste.

Chill for 30 minutes.

Using the Thermomix, the consistency of this soup was very light and airy. It was delicious.

Not that the younger kids would try it and even my veggie husband looked dubious, but he did try it.

But for those of us who are culinarily adventurous and love a few vitamins and minerals, it’s a pleasure to sup this chilled soup.

Would you, could you sup this soup?

Do you have a favourite chilled soup recipe?

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    1. says: Seana

      Hello there, no you sure ain’t. When I was in Scotland recently, none of my family had heard of the Thermomix and they were APPALLED at how expensive they are, such canny Scots. For sure this could be done in a normal powerful blender. I do love the Thermomix but they are a big investment and there’s also a bit of housewifely hype around them too.

  1. says: Declutterbug

    Wow that is really really green! Sounds good though. I’d be tempted to have it with a glass of peppermint tea on the side

    1. says: Seana

      Oh peppermint tea, it’s time I bought some more of that. Yes, this is wildly green, even greener than the green pea soup I blogged and that was very green. What other green goodies can I try??

  2. says: Mairi Stones

    Seana, it looks amazing. I’d have it as a smoothy for breakfast. At this very moment I am supping on a veg juice (cucumber, celery, courgette, ginger, tumeric, carrot and apple with added coconut oil and hemp protein. Surely I can get super healthy drinking this. X

    1. says: Seana

      Hi Mairi, I’ve been whizzing up spinach, fresh herbs and coconut water recently, inspired by your portable juicer. I’ve had these green drinks mid-arvo to counteract the mid-arvo slump, a vitamin sensation! Your veggie juice sounds super healthy.

  3. says: Hotly Spiced

    I’m so sorry we won’t be catching up today. I was looking forward to it so much. This soup is the brightest green of soups I have ever seen. I’m imagining this is very good for you xx

    1. says: Seana

      Hi Charlie, could we have a chat on the phone next week maybe? I’d love to chat to you some more about this bloggy journey. S x

  4. says: Grace

    I don’t know any chilled soup recipes off the cuff but I would definitely try this one. Off to bookmark this one. I don’t have a Thermomix so I’m hoping it’ll still look (and taste) delish as yours!

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