Five Ways To Cut Your Family’s Electricity Bill
Brought to you by Nuffnang and Mojo Power
We’ve just had the cheapest electricity bill since we became a family of six living in a house with a pool.
What a relief.
The bill was $191.44 for the month of September and we used 743.65 kWh of electricity.
This is a big change for us.
We’ve had to pull in the belt in every area since Paul has been looking for work over the past six months.
Changing electricity provider to Mojo Power was one way to cut the cost of our electricity, but reducing the actual amount used was also vital.
And that’s hard when there are heaps of us, teenagers, lots of devices and a pool to heat. The pool has solar heating but the pump is on six – eight hours a day in spring and summer.

Here’s are the 5 things we did that cut our electricity costs
- Learned to use the time delay switch on the washing machine and dishwasher. I run each of these once or twice a day. If I delay until 10pm when the power is really cheap, I can save a lot.
Also, we use a front loader washing machine which uses less power and water, plus we do some cold water washes – it all counts.
- Just don’t use the tumble drier. Like all my Scottish relatives, I use an indoor clothes horse so clothes can dry even when it’s pouring. Ours takes up half the sitting room but it must save a fortune.
- Switch off those devices. My husband and the teenagers are TERRIBLE at actually closing down their computers, laptops etc. But I’ve trained them up. And I switch off TVs, modem, XBOX etc off at the wall.
I bet this doesn’t save a huge amount of power overall but cents saved turn into dollars… it’s good for us humans to switch everything right off once a day. We’re in charge!
- Switch off the second fridge. We had an old fridge in the garage and kept ice and beer and wine in it. Switched off!
It was old and probably not at all efficient. We will hang onto it and it may get fired up when we have family staying over Christmas. But it’s off for now and we should have done it years ago.
- Check the bill to be aware of electricity consumption daily. This is easy for us as we have the new Mojo Power smart meter which gives us real time updates. I do check these and I show the kids and Paul what we are using.
It’s very motivating to see that the changes we’ve made do make a difference, day in and day out.

And also….
I understand my bill now and I understand the electricity market in Australia.
This took me a bit of time, but I’d been so frustrated at not understanding my bills that I put a bit of effort in and feel much more on top of things now.
Saving Power – The Future
We’re not at the point of getting a battery ourselves yet. But one day we’d love to have more solar panels and to be able to store some power to use throughout the day.
This still feels too expensive for now, but it’s bound to get cheaper. And we better wait until we have a more stable income.
I think trying to use less electricity, as we make and store our own, would be hugely motivating one day.
Mojo Power do not earn more money the more their customers us. They only charge customers what they pay themselves, so there’s no mark up for them.
Mojo is very committed to working in the solar space and to assisting customers to use less non-renewable power.
Their business model is very different from the other providers who have a deep interest in selling more power to customers, the markup is how they make their money.
Our previous electricity company feel old-fashioned by comparison. It feels good to be on the side of innovation and change.
Please do share this post with others who need to save some cash!
Do you have other energy saving tips?
Always keen to hear more!
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I think we all need to save cash, especially on electricity! I’ll look into Mojo now – I don’t think I could save much in other ways as I’m already quite conscious about saving elec whenever possible.
I even stop and open the dishwasher when it’s in the last 10-30 mins of the cycle because all it’s doing is using hot air to dry things. I just open the door and they dry in that time anyway – so there’s my tip for you 🙂
Aha, that’s a good idea. I think Mojo works really well for larger families that do use quite a bit of power. It’s been so good for me to get a grip and learn much more about the whole energy system.
Great tips! My elderly neighbour swears by running appliances when power is cheaper – I must try it too! And I am also guilty of leaving appliances running so will make a bigger effort to power off. Mojo sounds like they are going great, as are you powering down your energy bills. Off to investigate Mojo…
Hello there, they did say to me that it works rally well for big families, that’s us. You must use a lot of power baking and it’s money well spent! Hard to do that in the cheap rate period! Do you think Thermomixes use up a lot of power???!!
Side note: Thank you for the reminder I had left the washing in the machine!!
I try to wash at night also and set the dishwasher late too. We have one of those smart meters, I think, but I clearly haven’t taken a close look at it. I’ll check it out. Thanks for the tips!
Hello there Renee, it was good to finally get a grip and take some responsibility. My husband has also taken the new info on board and is becoming as careful with power as my wee Scottish granny used to be. She couldn’t stand a light left on unnecessarily – quite right!
These are all great tips. Our electricity bill is crazy, but with 5 kids, I am not sure we can avoid it!
Yes, kids do use up so much power… one day we’ll have a kind of hamster wheel so we can all exercise and generate power at the same time. The whole family could take it in shifts!
I thought if you used the time of use Tariff it made electricity super expensive in the evening when cooking dinner and heating the home. Does anyone with a family who is home lots on weekenight evenings have experience with both of these tariff’s? I would be happy to run dishwasher and washing machine after 10pm but worry about price being higher for cooking and heating
Hello, it does… however, I use gas to cook and we rarely, rarely use heating or cooling. I do use the dishwasher and washing machine after 10pm, I set them on delay timer.
Great Job!!
Such an informative post. You gave good knowledge to us about saving energy and cost. We must take care of this thing that switches off electrical appliances when nobody uses them. It can be the most effective source of decreasing your electricity bills. Apart from this, repairs and maintenance of your electrical appliances are the most important task for maintaining your appliances for a long time. Thanks for sharing this wonderful post with us. keep sharing your more ideas